In 1993, a trace minerals laboratory analyst in Chicago named Bob L. Smith started a small experiment. For two years, he went to stores in Chicago and purchased between four and fifteen samples of both organic and non-organic produce.
He took the foods back to his laboratory and analyzed them for trace elements, to see what was present and what was missing.
- The organically grown wheat had twice the calcium, four times more magnesium, five times more manganese, and thirteen times more selenium than the non-organic varieties.
- Organically grown corn had twenty times more calcium and manganese, and two to five times more copper, magnesium, molybdenum, selenium, and zinc.
- Organically grown potatoes had two or more times the boron, selenium, silicon, strontium and sulfur, and sixty percent more zinc.
- The organically grown pears had two to nearly three times more chromium, iodine, manganese, molybdenum, silicon, and zinc.
It is a known fact that organically grown food has significantly twenty times more nutrients than conventionally grown crops. Why?
The answer is simple, it is natural.
For millions of years, as long as creation humans and our ancestors have always eaten raw, organic food.
Our physical body evolved in the exact way that Earth’s raw, organic food encouraged us to do: the match between cellular needs of our bodies and the nutrients which raw, organically grown plants can provide is complete – 100 hundred percent.
After the move away from organic foods during the industrial age, it is saddening to know that modern farming now cares all about chemicals.
The production of chemical fertilizers worldwide – and the parallel production of pesticides – is a huge, multi-billion dollar international business, but it is at the expense of our health, environment and well being.